You’re New on the Job

You’re New on the Job

Understand the fact that being new on a job and not knowing how to do something is perfectly normal.

SoftSkillsU eLearning
Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • The fact that being new on a job and not knowing how to do something is perfectly normal.
  • The four things you need to know in order to perform any job.
  • The fact that the most powerful training aid for a new employee is to ask questions.
Course Description

Everyone wants to appear that they know what they're doing in a new job, but there will always be things you don't know. This module presents a four point plan to gather information so you're equipped for any task at your new job. The goal of this "What to say when..." course is to assure trainees that it’s OK not to know everything when you’re new on the job, and also help trainees find the confidence to ask the right questions to learn their new job.