Work with portals in Dynamics 365

Work with portals in Dynamics 365

Learn how portal components work within context of Dynamics 365 to deliver the content and Common Data Service.

Microsoft Learn
Updated Oct 09, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Business scenarios where Power Apps portals can add value to customer Power Platform and Dynamics 365 solutions.
  • Core records for the content and data access: webpages, templates, entity forms, and entity lists.
  • Fundamentals of portals security and which methods are used to control access to the content and data.
Course Description

Dynamics 365 portals are designed for interaction with the internal and external audiences. There are additional requirements for content management and design, as well as the need to secure the content. This learning path describes how portal components work within context of Dynamics 365 to deliver the content and Common Data Service for Apps data to external and internal audiences. We will cover the topics of user authentication and how to secure access to different parts of the portal content based on the target audience and relationship to the content.