Work Health and Safety AUS for Managers - Duties of PCBUs

Work Health and Safety AUS for Managers - Duties of PCBUs

Module 3 of the course "Work Health and Safety AUS for Managers".

GRC Solutions
Updated Feb 10, 2025

What you'll learn

  • Explain a PCBU’s duty of care
  • Outline the WHS risk management process
  • Describe how to manage a notifiable workplace incident
  • Identify a PCBU’s obligations in relation to emergencies first aid, training, and the provision of protective equipment
  • Describe any additional duties in respect of plant, substance or structure activities
Course Description

Every worker owes a duty to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others at the workplace

The nation’s work health and safety obligations

Australia’s work health and safety laws have come a long way since commencing in 2012. Based on Victorian legislation, they have since been adopted by most states and territories. Western Australia has committed to applying the essential features of the harmonised laws to their own regime. This makes compliance training in these laws critical to understanding our work health and safety obligations nationwide.

Our Work Health and Safety (WHS) course applies to learners around Australia. It addresses the essential elements of the harmonised laws that all states and territories have in common, while also explaining where the Victorian and Western Australian laws differ.

The course covers all the duties and important things you and your staff need to know about the law – from a legal as well as from a practical perspective. It also places these duties and obligations in context by outlining who enforces the laws, and how.

Every worker has a duty of providing reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others in the workplace. They can also play a role in identifying, reducing or removing work health and safety risks. This course ensures that everyone can train in their relevant legal obligations wherever they are in the country.

Who should do this training?

This course provides all employees with critical safety training to prevent incidents, develop an appropriate workplace culture and minimise the risk of prosecutions and claims.

It is designed to cater for a diverse audience and all levels of staff. We therefore have generic modules aimed at all employees and some specific to senior management.