Verbal Communication Skills for the Workplace

Verbal Communication Skills for the Workplace

Improve your verbal communication through effective messages, workplace relationships, and meaningful conversations.

Updated Feb 09, 2025

What you'll learn

  • Recognize the importance of verbal communication skills in driving your individual success and the success of your organization
  • Apply strategies to effectively start join maintain and exit conversations with confidence
  • Use strong nonverbal communication to further engage in conversations
  • Develop trust to build relationships with colleagues 
  • Use active listening to grow in understanding and empathy for the people you work with
Course Description

As a working professional you know the importance of good communication. But sometimes building workplace relationships and having meaningful conversations at work feels hard to do. It’s not because you weren’t born with social skills; it’s because strong verbal communication takes time and effort to develop. 

In this self-directed course you’ll learn how to structure effective messages for strong communication as well as some ways you can improve your workplace conversations and relationships through concise content and beautiful illustrations. This course provides a foundation for strong verbal and nonverbal communication so you can boost your effectiveness in the workplace one conversation at a time.