Understanding and Demonstrating Accountability - Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series

Understanding and Demonstrating Accountability - Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series

Seven Dimensions
Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Demonstrate accountability by taking responsibility for your words and actions
  • Don’t assume accountability is understood, instead know what accountability means
  • Don’t be vague about what you have to do, instead agree what is expected
  • Don’t be closed to feedback, instead use feedback for improvement
  • Don’t ignore your responsibilities, instead take pride in being responsible
Course Description

Understanding and Demonstrating Accountability is a short sharp entertaning program featuring a case study from the Cutting Edge comedy team as they all learn to be more accountable. Accountability begins with timelines and standards, and understanding and agreeing what you are expected to do. Being accountable is more than what we know, it is what we DO. In this video, you will learn that demonstrating accountability is taking responsibility for your words and actions – not making excuses or blaming others. Everyone at work, management and employees, must BE accountable.Accountability starts with you. You will learn to be open to feedback and take pride in being responsible for your own performance and for the team’s performance.