The Road Ahead

The Road Ahead

Channel 1 Creative Media
Updated Feb 18, 2025

What you'll learn

  • The difference between the car’s windscreen and rear vision mirror
  • The importance of focusing in what lies ahead
  • The importance of parking past regrets
Course Description

We all come to this point at some stage of our lives. The day when you start questioning whether the decisions and circumstances in the past have affected your road ahead for better or worse. This video will prove that you can take any previous situation and use it to your advantage. By learning from your mistakes or misfortunes, you can discover the ways to put a positive spin on things. It’s difficult to forget the past so don’t dwell on it, look ahead and see the countless opportunities that can come your way.

Target Audience 

Target audience is everyone.

Business Outcomes  

A preoccupied workforce can not work at its optimum. This video will inspire your workers to focus on, and be excited by, the future.