The Growth Mindset: Limitations of a Fixed Mindset

The Growth Mindset: Limitations of a Fixed Mindset

Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • When individuals act according to their beliefs and perceptions of their abilities, they increase their chances of success while minimizing their risk of failure or embarrassment.
  • Learn that a fixed mindset also has limitations.
Course Description

For many, adopting a fixed mindset is a comfortable approach. Staying within one’s comfort zone and focusing on routines helps fixed-minded people feel confident, secure, safe, and successful. When individuals act according to their beliefs and perceptions of their abilities, they increase their chances of success while minimizing their risk of failure or embarrassment. Now, while this might feel safe, it’s important to recognize that a fixed mindset also has limitations. That is what we’ll cover here. We’ll also talk about the growth and fixed mindset spectrum and help you determine where you land on it.