Survive a Personal Crisis

Survive a Personal Crisis

Seven Dimensions
Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Understand it is normal to experience a range of strong emotions
  • Don’t manage it all on your own – reach out for help
  • At work make specific requests for assistance – show empathy to those in trouble
  • Realize that healing takes time – speak to a professional if you’re in a downward spiral
Course Description

Survive a Personal Crisis is an important video for anyone facing death of a loved one illness relationship breakdown financial loss or trauma. Each can deeply affect your ability to work. During times of personal crisis Peter Quarry suggests that we realize it is normal to experience strong emotions and that we need to reach out for help.

Survive a Personal Crisis offers helpful ways to cope with and survive with life’s many challenges and explores ways to seek assistance recognize that healing takes time and seek a professional if you’re in a downward spiral.

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