Prospecting - Why You Should Lose "Touching Base"

Prospecting - Why You Should Lose "Touching Base"

Keep your prospects moving along the sales pipeline by learning the proper language to use when checking in

Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Why you should avoid clichéd sales language when dealing with prospects
  • Examples of more effective phrases you can use when following up to help move the sale forward
Course Description

When you're struggling to move a prospect along in the sales pipeline, one of the biggest mistakes is to use tired old phrases such as "just touching base". This lesson will help you improve your sales success by teaching you better phrases you can use to check in with prospects.

This microlearning course comes with additional materials to help you implement the learning, including three key actions to take, a blueprint for self-coaching, and a simple infographic to remember the main points.