PowerPoint 2016 Advanced

PowerPoint 2016 Advanced

Learn the various collaboration tools in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.

Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Collaborating in PowerPoint
  • Working with Masters
  • Themes
  • and Templates
  • Working with Animation and Transitions
  • Working with Advanced Graphic and Media Features
  • Using Advanced Presentation Features
  • Working with Advanced Slide Show Options 
Course Description

In this course, students will learn the various collaboration tools in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 such as reusing slides, creating slides from Word, and working with Excel. Students will learn to utilize the power of Slide Masters, create custom themes, and design custom templates. In addition, students will learn to create exciting presentations by animating text and objects, add slide transitions, and use advanced graphic features including SmartArt, and audio and video. Finally, students will present like a pro by using advanced presentation features including annotations, hyperlinks and action buttons, timings, recordings, and creating videos, and review additional advanced slideshow options.



The recommended prerequisite for this course is PowerPoint 2016 Introduction.



This course aligns with the CAP Body of Knowledge and
should be approved for 5 recertification points under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate.