Personal Protective Equipment: 02. Hand and Arm Protection

Personal Protective Equipment: 02. Hand and Arm Protection

Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Learn that depending on the job, your hands and arms can also be exposed to many risks.
  • Learn the various types of protective gloves available and choosing the correct PPE for the hazards you face at work.
Course Description

Your hands and arms work hard lifting, typing, measuring, painting, steering, pushing, pulling, carrying, etc. Depending on the job, your hands and arms can also be exposed to many risks. This might include chemical or thermal burns, electric shock, bruises, abrasions, carpal tunnel syndrome, fractures, and more. In this course, we’ll cover everything you can do to keep your hands and arms safe from harm. We’ll talk about the various types of protective gloves available and choosing the correct PPE for the hazards you face at work.