Oral hygiene for people with disability

Oral hygiene for people with disability

Fundamental knowledge for supporting proper oral hygiene in disability care

Cerebral Palsy Alliance
Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Correct oral hygiene techniques when assisting a person with disability in their oral hygiene
  • Information about the role diet plays in maintaining good oral hygiene
  • The various types of oral health conditions that can occur including gingivitis, periodontitis and decay and how to prevent them from occurring
  • How some medications may contribute to oral health conditions
  • Address challenges in disability oral care
  • Maintain optimal oral health for disabled individuals
Course Description

This learning is aligned to the following NDIS Practice Standards:

  • Provider Governance and Operational Management
  • Risk Management


Course Overview: Oral hygiene training for disability support workers is important because it can prevent oral health problems, improve overall health, enhance quality of life, and empower clients with disabilities.


Target Audience: This course is developed to support Disability Support Practitioners in providing effective oral hygiene for people with disability.