Supply Chain Management: 04. Productivity for Supply Chain Leaders

Supply Chain Management: 04. Productivity for Supply Chain Leaders

Sentinel|9 Training Portal
Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Gain In-Depth Insights: Master the fundamentals of Supply Chain Management, gaining a comprehensive understanding of its critical role in enhancing business efficiency and sustainability.
  • Strategize Against Challenges: Analyze and mitigate the challenges in Supply Chain Management, including the Bullwhip Effect, through strategic planning and effective coordination of supply chain activities.
  • Implement Efficiency Measures: Implement Lean Operations Systems to streamline production processes, reduce waste, and increase overall efficiency within the supply chain.
  • Analyse the communication and Information flow in the business
  • Optimize Customer Satisfaction: Enhance service delivery and customer satisfaction by optimizing logistics, understanding the importance of effective service management in the supply chain.
  • Make Informed Decisions: Evaluate supplier performance using advanced matrices, enabling informed decision-making for improved supplier selection and management.
  • Forecast and Plan: Develop expertise in forecasting demand and projecting volume, ensuring the supply chain is responsive and adaptable to market needs and trends.
Course Description

Our Supply Chain Management: 04. Productivity for Supply Chain Leaders course is meticulously designed to offer profound insights into the crucial elements of Supply Chain Management, vital for any business's success. Effective Supply Chain Management entails coordinating production processes, managing inventory, and fine-tuning the locations and transportation of goods and services to secure the most sustainable results for customers. This course covers a wide array of topics, including an Introduction to Supply Chain Management; Challenges in Supply Chain Management - the Bullwhip Effect; Lean Operations Systems; Services and Delivery in the Supply Chain; Supplier Performance Matrix; and Demand and Volume Projections. This training opens significant avenues for career growth, allowing participants to explore diverse career opportunities in this vibrant field.


The Supply Chain Management: 04. Productivity for Supply Chain Leaders course represents the fourth installment in the extensive Supply Chain Management series offered by Sentinel|9. It incorporates lecture-style videos, real-world case studies, downloadable resources, and self-assessment quizzes. Acquire the crucial skills necessary to manage your organization effectively and progress in your career by enrolling in this course and others in the series.