Operations Management (Resource & Workflow Layout): 01. General Concepts & System View of Operations

Operations Management (Resource & Workflow Layout): 01. General Concepts & System View of Operations

Sentinel|9 Training Portal
Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Master the Fundamentals of Operations Management: Gain a comprehensive understanding of operations management principles, including the critical distinction between effectiveness and efficiency, to lay the foundation for operational excellence across various sectors.
  • Develop Strategic Operations Insight: Learn how to formulate and implement strategic operations plans that align with overall business goals, enhancing your ability to drive organizational success through informed decision-making.
  • Optimize Process Design and Management: Acquire advanced skills in designing, managing, and optimizing operational processes to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness, contributing to the overall productivity and competitiveness of the organization.
  • Navigate the Systemic View of Operations: Understand the systemic nature of operations within an organization, enabling you to identify interdependencies and optimize performance across all levels of operation.
  • Apply Best Practices Across Industries: Explore and apply best practices in operations management across a variety of sectors, including banking, healthcare, education, retail, and manufacturing, thereby enhancing your versatility and adaptability as a leader.
  • Advance Your Career with Expertise in Operations Management: Prepare for senior management roles by mastering the skills necessary to lead operations, drive strategic initiatives, and foster innovation within your organization, positioning you as a key contributor to its success.
Course Description

OurOperations Management: 01. A Systemic Approach to Mastering Operational Excellencecourse is meticulously crafted to impart deep insights into the essential elements critical to the operations of any business. Operations management is focused on the effective and efficient design, management, and optimization of processes that are fundamental in both service and production organizations across various sectors such as banking, healthcare, education, retail, food and beverages, mining, and manufacturing. This course delves into a broad spectrum of topics, including an Introduction to Operations Management Fundamentals; the Role of Operations Management; Effectiveness versus Efficiency; Operations Strategy; Systemic View of Operations; and Layout Design. Training in this discipline opens up significant opportunities for career advancement and allows participants to explore the wide array of career paths available in this dynamic field

TheOperations Management: 01. A Systemic Approach to Mastering Operational Excellencecourse represents the first installment of the comprehensive Operations Management series offered by Sentinel|9. It encompasses lecture-style videos, real-world case studies, downloadable materials, and self-assessment quizzes. Acquire the crucial skills necessary to manage your company and progress in your career by enrolling in this course and others within the series.