Nuclear Power Principles and Design

Nuclear Power Principles and Design

Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • How to explain the basic theory and operation of a nuclear power plant
  • How to explain the basic process of nuclear fission and describe various nuclear reactor designs.
Course Description

 After this lesson, you will be able to explain the basic theory and operation of a nuclear power plant. You will also be able to explain the basic process of nuclear fission and describe various nuclear reactor designs. • Describe the type of fuel used in nuclear power plants • Explain the purpose of control rods in nuclear reactors • Describe the use of coolants in nuclear reactors • Explain the use of moderators in nuclear reactors • Explain the process of nuclear fission • Describe the basic design of a pressurized water reactor • Describe the basic design of a boiling water reactor • Describe the basic design of heavy water reactors • Describe the basic design of gas cooled reactors • Describe the basic design of liquid metal fast breeder reactors • Describe the basic desig