Negotiating: 02. Framing in Negotiations

Negotiating: 02. Framing in Negotiations

Updated Jul 26, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Presenting information in a way that shapes the other party’s perception and understanding while advancing your own interests is called Framing.
  • t’s a technique used to focus the attention of the other person on features that will persuade.
Course Description

HOW you say something is often more important than WHAT you say. In a negotiation, this couldn’t be truer. This is called “framing,” or presenting information in a way that shapes the other party’s perception and understanding while advancing your own interests. It’s a technique used to focus the attention of the other person on features that will persuade. In this program, learn at how to use framing to create favorable context, build your perceived value, avoid pitfalls, and reach mutual agreements.