MS Office 2016 for Dummies

MS Office 2016 for Dummies

The Microsoft Office Suite is used extensively worldwide and in various professions for communications, organisations and teaching amongst other things. This course takes you through the basics of all aspects of Microsoft Office, including MS Word, Access, publisher and Excel, even going into detail about useful tips and tricks to make your work easier.

Prositions, Inc.
Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Learn the overview of MS Office
  • An in-depth tutorial to MS Word
  • understand the basics and intermediate uses of Excel
  • Learn to utilise PowerPoint
  • Understand the functions of Outlook
  • An overview of Publisher and Project
Course Description

Course Overview

Learn the basics of MS Word, Access, and Publisher or brush up on seldom used functions in Excel – the sky’s the limit with these tutorials, tips, and tricks for all the Office 2016 applications.