Military Family and Medical Leave Act: Military FMLA for Employees

Military Family and Medical Leave Act: Military FMLA for Employees

Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Learn that in 2008, the Family and Medical Leave Act, also known as FMLA, was amended to cover military families.
  • Learn who is covered, the types of leave, and the process involved for taking leave.
Course Description

Military families face unique and difficult challenges. When a family member is deployed, on duty, or injured in the line of duty, employees must make important decisions regarding childcare, finances, medical treatment, and more. Balancing their needs with the demands of their workplace can be very difficult. In 2008, the Family and Medical Leave Act, also known as FMLA, was amended to cover military families in situations like these. In this course, we’ll talk through some of the specifics of FMLA for military families. We’ll discuss who is covered, the types of leave, and the process involved for taking leave.