Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Charts & Graphs

Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Charts & Graphs

Updated Sep 18, 2024
Course Description

Course Overview

Microsoft® Excel 2010 Charts & Graphs+Excel’s number-crunching power is unmatched. But to make data really work for you, it often takes some pizzazz to make a splash. Excel 2010 can do that too, and we’ll show you how! From the essentials of chart styles and formats … to dazzling 3-D graphics and powerful Trendlines … to using Sparklines, Excel’s amazing new mini-chart feature—this comprehensive video training tool teaches you everything you need to know to turn your numbers into eye-popping, informative charts and graphs. Your data deserves to be noticed, and using these techniques will turn heads and get the results you’re looking for!

Course Topics

  1. Getting Started
  2. Fundamentals
  3. Data Series
  4. Managing Labels
  5. Combination Charts
  6. Trendlines
  7. Pie Charts
  8. Line, XY Scatter and Bubble Charts
  9. Advanced TechniquesBest Practices