Microsoft OneDrive - Office for the Web

Microsoft OneDrive - Office for the Web

Master OneDrive basics: cloud storage, file sync, sharing, setup, file management, and secure access from anywhere.

Sonic Performance Support
Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Understand the concept of cloud storage and its benefits.
  • Set up and configure OneDrive for efficient file management.
  • Save and manage files on OneDrive, including the use of AutoSave and version management.
  • Synchronize OneDrive files with your local device and access them via the File Explorer.
  • Utilize advanced settings to customize and control your OneDrive experience.
Course Description

"Microsoft OneDrive: Office for the Web" is designed to teach you the fundamental skills needed to effectively use OneDrive for cloud storage, file synchronization, and sharing across devices. This 37-minute course will cover the basics of setting up OneDrive, managing and saving files, and synchronizing your files with your local device.

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to navigate OneDrive via both a web browser and the File Explorer, maximizing your productivity and ensuring secure file access from anywhere.



  • You are looking for an easy-to-understand, basic training on Microsoft OneDrive for beginners.
  • You want to learn the fundamental functions and operating concepts of Microsoft OneDrive.
  • You have some experience with computers and want to gain essential knowledge about OneDrive as a file hosting and synchronization service.