Microsoft Excel 2019

Microsoft Excel 2019

Microsoft Excel, the world's most popular spreadsheet software, is designed to help users perform many business tasks.

Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Learn the basics of on Excel workbook and how to navigate Excel
  • Understand how formulas and functions work in Excel
  • Understand spreadsheet structure, relative references in Excel, names ranges in Excel and basic Macros
  • Learn about protecting and connecting workbooks in Excel
  • Understand Data Validation in Excel, and the IS and IF functions
  • Learn how to work with time and date in Excel and understand time and date functions
  • Learn to work with text including the LEFT, RIGHT, MID, TRIM and CONCATENATE functions
  • Learn about logical functions in Excel, including IF, SUMIF, COUNTIF
  • Learn to summarize data in Excel using SUM, COUNT and COUNTA
  • Master Pivot Tables including Slicers, Timelines, Pivot Charts and GETPIVOTDATA
Course Description

Microsoft Excel, the world's most popular spreadsheet software, is designed to help users perform many business tasks.

Excel is our flagship course, used by hundreds of thousands of customers and clients worldwide, including the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and many blue-chip firms.

Most office staff can use Excel to a basic level for data entry, format cells, and even use a basic PivotTable. But few make it to the next level to build models, conduct scenario analyses, apply checks to flag errors, create a dashboard or format to a client-ready standard.

Our best-selling, award-winning, accredited Excel course will do all of this and more. It will also do so efficiently by using our proprietary filtering algorithm to direct your attention to those areas of Excel most relevant to you.

Course Prerequisites
This Microsoft Excel course assumes no existing knowledge of the topic.

Course Details
This Microsoft Excel training uses a combination of text, bitesize videos, practice exercises and interactive knowledge checks.