Microsoft 98-381 Introduction to Programming Using Python

Microsoft 98-381 Introduction to Programming Using Python

Practice Labs
Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Create a program to store and print data of types string, integer, float, and boolean
  • Use the multiple assignment feature in Python programs
  • Use the type() function to determine the data type of variables
  • Write a program to create a list
  • Write a program to update an item in a list
  • Write a program to sort the items in a list
  • Write a program to slice the items in a list
  • Use the arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators in Python programs
  • Write a program to use the identity and membership operators
  • Use the if-else and nested if-else statements in Python programs
  • Use compound conditional expressions in Python programs
  • Use for loops, break and continue statements in Python programs
  • Use for loops, while loops, and if…else statements in Python programs
  • Use nested for loops in Python programs
  • Open, read, and close text files in Python programs
  • Copy the contents of one text file to another in Python programs
  • Merge text files in Python programs
  • Accept console inputs and print formatted output in Python programs
  • Use command-line arguments in a Python program
  • Structure Python programs by defining functions
  • Define functions with default arguments in Python programs
  • Define functions with keyword and positional arguments in Python programs
Course Description

The Introduction to Programming Using Python Practice Lab will provide you with the necessary platform to gain hands on skills in programming using Python. By completing the lab tasks you will improve your practical skills in performing operations using data types and operators, controlling flow with decisions and loops, performing input and output operations, documenting and structuring code, performing troubleshooting and error handling and performing operations using modules and tools.

These same tasks will help you understand the objectives and competencies required by the 98-361Introduction to Programming Using Python certification exam.