jQuery 101

jQuery 101

Welcome to jQuery 101: jQuery for beginners.

Simon Sez IT
Updated Sep 08, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Installing jQuery on your website
  • How to select HTML elements with jQuery selectors
  • How to add HTML elements before and after certain elements
  • How to hide and show HTML elements dynamically
  • How to add and remove CSS classes dynamically
  • How to add animations including fade and slide
  • What callback functions are and how to use them in jQuery
  • How to loop through multiple elements and change them
Course Description

Let’s start with the big question: is jQuery still used? The answer is absolutely YES. jQuery is responsible for the JavaScript on hundreds of millions of websites. I’ll repeat that: 

jQuery is responsible for the JavaScript on hundreds of millions of websites.

It's so common that content delivery websites track over 1 billion downloads per month (each!). That's a mind-blowing number!

jQuery was originally created to bridge the JavaScript gap between browsers before JavaScript started to become more standardized. Internet Explorer and Firefox used JavaScript differently. Chrome and Safari implemented JavaScript differently. And jQuery was how you could write one language that “just worked”. 

These days that's less of a problem, and jQuery is simply used as a tool for writing less JavaScript in a more powerful way. 

Look, I know lots of people say you should skip learning jQuery altogether but consider this: if it’s used by over 100 million websites and still favored by organizations like the Django Framework, then there is clearly a market demand for this skill. 

Who is this course for?

If you’re getting into JavaScript recently, this course is for you. 

If you’re a backend developer and want to write nice JavaScript without needing to learn an entire framework like React, this course is for you.


You will create a random Star Wars character generator using an API endpoint, an event listener, a random number using plain JavaScript, changing inner text of an element, changing an image elements source, an Ajax request and a little CSS to tidy things up. 


  • You should know basic HTML
  • If you know a little CSS that will make jQuery a lot more fun for you
  • You should know a tiny bit of JavaScript and how it works already

Course Info

  • Videos: 37
  • Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes