In a COVID-19 world the plight of older people is in the spot light. The upholding of their rights and efforts to protect them has varied significantly across the globe.
Are older people viewed as valued and essential for passing on knowledge and culture or a burden on society?
Data from the World Health Organisation suggests a global prevalence of abuse of older people to be around 16% for those aged over 60 years.
Ageism, rapidly ageing populations and reluctance by governments and society to value the work done by those who provide care and services in people’s homes and in residential aged care are contributing factors.
Interim findings from the Australian Royal Commission into Aged Care have described the situation as not always safe, quality varies and at times older people are treated in an unkind and uncaring way and experience neglect.
Part 1 – This video utilises the personal story of a 95 year old woman to address ageism.
Part 2 – This video presents current data and concepts.
Part 3 - Scenario based quiz about what constitutes abuse of older people.
Each part will take about 5 to 7 minutes to complete.
Target Audience
Anyone with an interest in the well-being of older people or providing care and services to older people in aged care, acute care, general practice, retirement living and in the community.