Introduction to the Internet of Things: Towards a More Connected Future

Introduction to the Internet of Things: Towards a More Connected Future

Compono Author Portal
Updated Oct 18, 2024

What you'll learn

  • What the IoT is and how it works
  • IoT applications in different contexts
  • Sustainability and the IoT and its future potential
Course Description

Learn how the Internet of Things is driving us towards a more connected future.

We live in a data-immersed world. Even physical information like temperature, our heart rate, or sleep patterns, can be turned into digital data. Now, thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT), this data can be used to gather valuable insights and make more intelligent decisions. In this course, we'll introduce you to the IoT in an accessible way - from what it is and how it works to the its relationships with sustainability and its future potential. We'll also explore the range of contexts in which its being applied, from wearble technologies and smart homes, to smart farms and even smart cities. Join us as we discover how the IoT is driving us towards a more connected future.

Part 1: How the IoT Works
- Connecting the Data and Devices Dots
- The IoT Technology Stack
- Consumer IoT
Part 2: Getting down to Business
- The IoT Benefits for Business
- The Smart Office
- Industry Case Study
- The Smart Farm
Part 3: Smart Everything
- The Smart City
- The IoT and Sustainbility
- IoT Technology Challenges
- Where to from here?