Introduction to Cyber Security: Protect Yourself Online and Offline

Introduction to Cyber Security: Protect Yourself Online and Offline

Compono Author Portal
Updated Sep 08, 2024

What you'll learn

  • How to protect yourself online
  • How to assess threats, set up defences, and protect yourself in the real world
Course Description

The Internet connects us to the world and makes our lives easier. But we’re not the only ones that use it. Cyber criminals take advantage of the anonymity of the Internet and prey on people to gain access to their accounts, finances, and services. We’ll show you what you’re up against, how to defend yourself, and how to protect yourself.


Part1: Threats
- Credential Stuffing
- Social Engineering
- Common Scams
- Secure Websites
- Public WiFi
- Physical Access
- Your Risk Profile

Part 2: Defences
- Multi-Factor Authentication
- Monitor Your Reactions
- Be Skeptical
- Passwords vs Passphrases
- Backup
- Update Your Software
- Lock Your Devices
- Phishing Warning Signs

Part 3: The Real World
- Protect Your Personal Details
- Social Media
- Hard Copy Documents
- Face-to-face Scams
- Share Your Knowledge