Hepatitis B Online Modules

Hepatitis B Online Modules

Updated Sep 20, 2024
Course Description

Course Overview

These modules will provide health professionals with an understanding of the populations impacted by hepatitis B in Australia, as well as best practice guidelines for diagnosing, assessing, treating and monitoring patients with chronic hepatitis B. Modules 1-3 are introductory, while modules 4-6 explore complex cases including pregnancy, hepatocellular carcinoma, and immunosuppression.These modules have been designed for Doctors, but will benefit all health professionals working with patients in populations affected by hepatitis B.


Business Outcomes

Increased knowledge and skills in the clinical management of hepatitis B by health professionals, including diagnosis, treatment and monitoring for all patients; women during pregnancy and patients undergoing chemo/immunosuppression therapy.


Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify priority populations for hepatitis B in Australia and outline modes of transmission and the principles of prevention, including HBV vaccination
  2. Order appropriate diagnostic tests to establish patient hepatitis B status and identify which phase of disease a patient is in and how this affects their management
  3. Describe the association between hepatitis B and liver cancer and identify criteria for HCC surveillance in people living with CHB
  4. Screen patients undergoing chemotherapy or immunosuppressive/biologic therapy and describe the management of those found to be HBsAg positive
  5. Demonstrate the management of women with chronic HBV infection before, during and after pregnancy


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