

Maintain a fair and honest workplace by learning about the principles of ethics in business

Vivid Learning
Updated Oct 03, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Define ethics, state the purpose of an Ethics program, and list its common characteristics.
  • Identify ethical standards for fairness and honesty, accurate record keeping, the treatment of other employees, political contributions, and financial standards--such as time charging and preservation of company assets.
  • Identify conflicts of interest and ethical standards for giving and receiving gifts, gratuities, and entertainment with regard to customers and suppliers in both government and non-government sectors.
  • Identify the laws, acts and practices associated with ethics in the workplace.
  • Recognize the responsibility to comply with ethical expectations and report suspected violations, the disciplinary actions that could result from failure to comply with expectations or report violations, and the available methods for raising ethical conce
  • Recognize the application of ethics principles through the use of case studies.
Course Description

Discover the meaning of ethics, the purpose of an ethics program in the workplace and how they are implemented.