Essentials - Personal Development - Time Management

Essentials - Personal Development - Time Management

This course shows you how to better manage your time to achieve your most important goals, including identifying and avoiding unnecessary demands on your time.

Updated Sep 08, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Identify where time based problems originate
  • Analyse which time based problems are whose responsibility
  • Understand how to organise your time more effectively
  • Use a range of time management techniques to help you gain control of your time
  • Decide how to deal with time based problems
Course Description

Course Contents

  • Sources of Time Based Problems
  • Ownership of Time Problems
  • Avoiding Unnecessary Demands on Time
  • Strategies for Increasing Discretionary Time
  • Time Planning
  • Including: Check my Understanding Tests and Full Course Test

Learning Objectives

Participants will acquire the knowledge and skills to:

  • Identify where time based problems originate
  • Analyse which time based problems are whose responsibility
  • Understand how to organise your time more effectively
  • Use a range of time management techniques to help you gain control of your time
  • Decide how to deal with time based problems
  • Course Overview

The pace of life gets faster and faster each year, pressures on time intensify. The need to create extra time to fit everything in at work is getting more urgent... Effective time management is essential to keep your head above water. This course shows how to manage time to create time to achieve the things that are really important to your overall performance.

Course Duration

90-120 minutes