Essentials - Personal Development - Plan Your Own Development

Essentials - Personal Development - Plan Your Own Development

This course will help you to identify areas for your own skill development, and put in place an action plan to develop your knowledge and skills.

Updated Oct 16, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Access your own abilities and learning potential
  • Identify a range of development opportunities open to you
  • Identify the resources you have available, and those you need
  • Set challenging, realistic goals for your own development
  • Make flexible, practical plans to achieve your goals
Course Description

Course Contents

  • The Journey
  • You the Traveller
  • Where are You Now?
  • Where do You Want to GO
  • Planning Your Route
  • The Resources You’ll Need

Including: Check my Understanding Tests and Full Course Test


Learning Objectives

Participants will acquire the knowledge and skills to:

  • Access their own abilities and learning potential
  • Identify a range of development opportunities open to them
  • Identify the resources they have available, and those they need
  • Set challenging, realistic goals for their own development
  • Make flexible, practical plans to achieve their goals


Course Overview

This course is about you and your own development. It helps identify and plan what you can do to develop your own skills, knowledge and abilities, in order to achieve what you want from life. By the end of the course you'll have an action plan for your development as far into the future as you choose.

Although you'll focus on your working life, many lessons apply equally well to your personal life too. You can do this alone, but you'll find it more helpful to work with other people: Your team leader Colleagues you trust and respect, your training or personnel officer, your coach or mentor, family or friends.


Course Duration

90-120 minutes