Enterprise Risk for Managers: 05. Risk Identification and Mitigation

Enterprise Risk for Managers: 05. Risk Identification and Mitigation

Sentinel|9 Training Portal
Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Elevate your expertise in recognizing and tackling external and internal drivers that can trigger operational, financial, and strategic risks within your organization.
  • Uncover the intricate interplay between corporate governance, compliance, and risk management, while gaining insight into developing tailored strategies for mitigating potential pitfalls.
  • Acquire advanced skills in quantifying risk, utilizing cutting-edge tools like the VUCA Method, Scenario Analysis, and Monte Carlo Analysis to make informed decisions in volatile business environments.
  • Discover the art of aligning risk management with corporate compliance standards, including SAP GRC Global Trade Services, to ensure your organization's ethical and regulatory integrity on a global scale.
  • Hone your ability to conduct stress testing and strategic risk analysis, equipping you to proactively address challenges and seize opportunities, thereby fortifying your company's competitive edge.
  • Unleash your leadership potential by mastering Enterprise Risk Management through our comprehensive course, opening doors to new career avenues while enabling you to steer your organization through uncertainty with confidence.
Course Description

OurEnterprise Risk for Managers: 05. Risk Identification and Mitigationcourse is designed to introduce external and internal drivers that can result in a range of operational, financial, and strategic risks manifesting in organizations. This course examines the role of corporate governance and compliance, introducing relevant standards, and suggests methods of developing and implementing appropriate risk-management strategies. This course aims to not only learn compliance but also learn how to develop useful risk-management skills, including some of the effective tools available for identifying, assessing, and quantifying risk. We will cover Volatility Uncertainty Complexity & Ambiguity (VUCA) Method, Strategic Risk Analysis & Corporate Compliance, Scenario Analysis - Stress Testing, Monte Carlo Analysis, Corporate Compliance, and SAP GRC Global Trade Services. By the end of this course, you will have broadened your understanding and skills in Enterprise Risk. Training in this discipline can provide more opportunities for career advancement and allow you to explore some of the career options available in this exciting line of work.


Enterprise Risk for Managers: 05. Risk Identification and Mitigation is the final instalment of the 5-part extended Enterprise Risk for Managers series presented by Sentinel|9. It features lecture-style videos, real-world case studies, downloadable materials, and self-knowledge quizzes. Gain excellent skills to help you manage your company and grow professionally by taking this course with others in the series. 

Content Update V3: Aug 2023