Emotional Intelligence - Improving Your Social Skills - Rapid Recall

Emotional Intelligence - Improving Your Social Skills - Rapid Recall

Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Develop your emotional intelligence
  • Identify the differences between EQ and IQ
  • Integrate how you can improve your EQ as part of your personal learning and development
Course Description

As a manager, it’s essential that you are regularly seen to be mixing with your team and as someone who is a generally social person.


The Skillshub "Emotional Intelligence - Improving Your Social Skills" course looks at how leaders who are socially intelligent are versatile when it comes to hearing good and bad news, along with being great motivators.


Once the course is completed you will be equipt to start thinking how you can improve your overall social skills.


The Skillshub Rapid Recall Microlearning Series is made up of a Video, Action Planning, Cheat Sheet, Coaching Blueprint and Session Notes to allow you to take action back in the workplace. The session also requires you to pass a quick-fire quiz with a maximum of three multiple choice questions.