Different Buyer Types Part 2 - Theorist & Pragmatist

Different Buyer Types Part 2 - Theorist & Pragmatist

Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Identify if you're dealing with one of these two buyer types
  • Adapt your style of communication to meet their needs
  • Develop your sales interactions
Course Description

Theorists and Pragmatists are buyer types you need to be aware of.


The Skillshub " Different Buyer Types Part 2 - Theorist & Pragmatist" course looks at how you need to adjust your sales style depending on what type of person you're dealing with.


Once the course has been completed you will be able to present better to buyers that a perfectionists and have loads of questions, along with what you need to prepare for quick and confidence giving questions.


The Skillshub Rapid Recall Microlearning Series is made up of a Video, Action Planning, Cheat Sheet, Coaching Blueprint and Session Notes to allow you to take action back in the workplace. The session also requires you to pass a quick-fire quiz with a maximum of three multiple choice questions.