Confidentiality Obligations by HR - Insights and Strategies Series

Confidentiality Obligations by HR - Insights and Strategies Series

Seven Dimensions
Updated Jul 27, 2024
Course Description

Understand confidentiality obligations for HR employees as it pertains to personnel data and employment contracts. This program is designed to develop HR professionals and practitioners by providing useful advice and proven, real-world strategies and skills covering their obligations and professional conduct.

Key Learning Points
Peter Walbridge provides an understanding confidentiality expectations:
•    The challenge of confidentiality
•    Personnel data & confidentiality
•    The expectation of confidentiality
•    Confidentiality obligations in employment contracts
•    Implement an HR charter

Target Audience
Managers and Executives

This program is one of the Insights and Strategies Series, featuring psychologist Eve Ash interviewing a range of experts and business leaders who share their experiences and practical strategies for achieving best practice.