Coaching and Mentoring: Coaching Peers (Part 3 of 5)

Coaching and Mentoring: Coaching Peers (Part 3 of 5)

Peer coaching is a cost-effective way to provide quality employee development to high-potential and emerging leaders. Learn about the behaviours that will ensure you are a great peer coach. Learn why questions play an important role for effective coaching and how to use the correct questioning sequence for an effective coaching session. Learn the behaviours and steps under your control for achieving the end goal.

Chart Learning Solutions
Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • The benefits of peer coaching
  • The behaviors of effective peer coaches
  • How to apply the GROW model for sequencing questions in a coaching session
Course Description

Peer coaching is a cost-effective way to provide quality employee development to high-potential and emerging leaders. In this lesson, you will learn the GROW method for coaching and the behaviours that will ensure you are a great peer coach. You will understand why questions play an important role in coaching and how to use the correct questioning sequence for an effective coaching session.