Christine Franklin, Independent Researcher will be talking to Julia Clouter, Specialist Teacher and Head of Education for Scanning Pens about her research in a mixed ability, comprehensive primary school. We will find out about the impact of introducing the ReaderPen as a normal way of learning and how the students felt about using this assistive technology and hearing the important messages the students shared with us about becoming independent learners. Christine's long term studies have also included research into the impact of the ExamReader and SATs examinations. We will explore her findings and the implications for inclusive classroom practice as we prepare students for their tests at the end of the primary phase. Julia will also be talking about her recently published Transition Handbook that is available free to teachers to support transition with scanning pens.
She will be sharing strategies and exploring ways to ensure that high-quality information travels with the student as they progress through their education. Presented by Christine Franklin & Julia Clouter