Assess and convert SQL Server Databases using the Data Migration Assistant (DMA)

Assess and convert SQL Server Databases using the Data Migration Assistant (DMA)

Learn how to install DMA on your client machine use it to find compatibility issues and how to upgrade your database.

Microsoft Learn
Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Decide if the DMA is the best tool to use for a given administration task
  • Install the DMA on your client machine
  • Identify compatibility issues prior to upgrade
  • Upgrade a database using the DMA
Course DescriptionThe Data Migration Assistant (DMA) is a standalone application that can find compatibility issues between the current version of your database, and the target. Furthermore, it guides you towards new features that would enhance the performance of your database when upgraded. This module shows you how to install DMA on your client machine, use it to find compatibility issues, and how to upgrade your database.