Research Methods in Business: 03. Designing Data Collection Tools

Research Methods in Business: 03. Designing Data Collection Tools

Sentinel|9 Training Portal
Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Master the foundational principles of conducting high-quality business research, enabling you to design, implement, and analyze research projects with precision and ethical consideration.
  • Gain expertise in Mixed Method Research Approaches, understanding their advantages and limitations, to effectively combine qualitative and quantitative data for comprehensive research outcomes.
  • Develop the skills to conduct in-depth Case Study Research, applying theoretical knowledge to real-world business scenarios to draw actionable insights and inform decision-making processes.
  • Acquire a deep understanding of ethical considerations in business research, including Respect for Persons, ensuring the integrity and social responsibility of your research endeavors.
  • Learn how to write an effective methodology section, clearly articulating research design, data collection tools, and analysis techniques to enhance the credibility and impact of your research findings.
  • Enhance career advancement opportunities by mastering crucial skills in organizational management and research, positioning yourself as a leader in the field and opening up diverse career pathways in the evolving business landscape.
Course Description

OurResearch Methods in Business: 03. Designing Data Collection Tools course is meticulously designed to impart a solid understanding of the foundational principles essential for conducting exceptional business research. This course guides you through an in-depth exploration of the research process, beginning with problem identification, advancing through project development, and culminating in the publication of research findings. It encompasses a broad spectrum of topics, such as Mixed Method Research Approaches; Advantages & Limitations of Mixed Method Research; Case Study Research; Ethical Considerations; Respect for Persons; and Writing an Effective Methodology. This program paves the way for significant career advancement opportunities, empowering participants to navigate the diverse avenues available in this constantly evolving field.


TheResearch Methods in Business: 03. Designing Data Collection Tools course is the third module in the comprehensive Research Methods in Business series offered by Sentinel|9. The course is enriched with lecture-style videos, real-world case studies, downloadable materials, and self-assessment quizzes. Enrolling in this course, along with its predecessors in the series, equips you with the critical skills necessary for proficient organizational management and career development.