Anti-Harassment: 01. Anti-Harassment for Everyone

Anti-Harassment: 01. Anti-Harassment for Everyone

Updated Jul 27, 2024

What you'll learn

  • Learn the the basics of harassment and how it might show up at work.
  • Identify various kinds of harassment and behaviors that one might witness or experience, and how to report it.
Course Description

Harassment may seem pretty simple; it’s when you annoy somebody continually. So, is it illegal to annoy someone continually? The answer is: it’s illegal if the harassment is based upon somebody’s membership in a protected class. In this course, we’ll talk about the basics of harassment and how it might show up at work. We’ll go over the protected classes and their history. We’ll discuss the various kinds of harassment and behaviors that one might witness or experience. Lastly, we’ll cover when and how to report harassment.