A3 Thinking Storyline

A3 Thinking Storyline

Updated Oct 18, 2024
Course Description

Course Overview

This Course is a great way to introduce people to the concept of A3 Thinking. The learner will understand that the first use of the A3 as a tool is to standardise a methodology to respond to problems and that A3 Thinking encourages root cause analysis, reveals processes, and represent goals and actions in a format that triggers conversation and learning.

The learner will learn how to effectively introduce the key principles of A3 Thinking into their team, department and even the business itself.

Course Objective

Upon completion of this course, learners will understand how A3 Thinking is relevant to any organisation whether it is in the manufacturing, service or charity sector. The benefits of completing an Intellelearn course include:

  • Online, self-paced training
  • Interactive course with colourful animations
  • Experts within gamification to ensure the courses are interesting and fun
  • Complete in two hours
  • Instant digital certificate on completion

Target Audience

Intellelearn courses are designed to be both fun and educational. Our courses are fully interactive and with real learning rather than simply 'click-next'!

This course will help people learn the basic principles of A3 Thinking and show how to apply the principles within their work environment.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to understand the key principles of A3 Thinking and will be able to discuss how to drive business benefits such as:

  • Standardised method of reporting
  • Clearer understanding of problems and solutions
  • Better teamwork
  • Waste reduction

Course Inclusions

The content of this e-learning course helps the learner to understand the key principles of A3 Thinking:

  • Problem description, Initial Perception
  • Breakdown of the Problem, Problem Clarification
  • Mapping out for this step can be driven by a set of questions.
  • For example, the "5 W's (what, where, when, why, who) and 2H's" (how, how many).
  • Point of Cause, Setting Target
  • Containment
  • Cause and Effect
  • Follow Up Action, Corrective Actions
  • Effect Confirmation
  • Share the successfully implemented actions

Training outcomes

By the end of the course learners will understand:

  • What A3 Thinking is
  • Why and when you should use A3 Thinking
  • How to effectively apply A3 Thinking

Approximate Duration

1 hour