A Useful Guide To Finance For The Non Financial Manager

A Useful Guide To Finance For The Non Financial Manager

The BCF Group
Updated Nov 03, 2024
Course Description

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the main concepts in Financial and Management Accounting, with some introduction of topics relevant to management control and decision-making.

Benefits of using this Useful Guide

This Useful Guide will; Describe the main rules and principles of financial accounting, reporting and management in everyday terms, Provide examples to illustrate the way information is collected and presented, Show you how to read financial reports and accounts, and other documents, Offer some short exercises to test understanding, Ask you to think hard about why things are done in a particular way and what that means.

The Non Financial Manager: What it is

There are many guides for the non-specialist manager to specialist functions such as HR, IT, Marketing, Law and so on, so Finance is not alone. As a nonfinancial manager, you will want to know enough about these functions in order to do your job more effectively and to understand what the specialists can do for you.