A Formula For virtual Team Success – Interactive

A Formula For virtual Team Success – Interactive

Seven Dimensions
Updated Oct 05, 2024
Course Description

A Formula for Virtual Teams is a course that will help all teams, especially virtual teams, to be more successful. In this course, entrepreneur Pete Williams shares with Eve Ash his strategies for working with A-level people, implementing continuous learning, training and reporting.

Once this course is completed, you will have learned how to focus on recruiting the right people, implementing a strong culture of daily online learning and applying six key questions to report on challenges, needs and achievements each day. It will help you ensure an efficient team with the right balance for a pressurized work environment.


Learning Objectives

  • Examine how to ensure a successful virtual team
  • Assess and work people with A-level attitude and skill
  • Conduct daily training and learning, including practical self-paced learning
  • Use daily reporting, answering six key questions about achievements, timing, strategies and needs
  • Plan for everyone to learn sales and marketing principles